The cabal run will build and run the executable in the project. The cabal init command will create all the needed files for an executable. ReleasesEdit Mars, 24 June 2015 Old version, no longer maintained: 4.5, Mars projects A Java 7 JRE/JDK is required to run all packages based on this version. mkdir myproject & cd myproject cabal init cabal run. \wsp_kds3.0.0 -build MyProject -launcher.ini c:\Freescale\KDS_3.0.0\eclipse\kinetis-design-studio.ini -launcher. Start by installing the cabal executable (see the previous section) and the Haskell compiler ghc (see the GHC download docs). The installation of the runkit extension needs to be downloaded from github and then compiled normally. For example for Kinetis Design Studio the call could look like this: c:\freescale\kds_3.0.0\eclipse\eclipsec.exe -nosplash -application .core.headlessbuild -data. In addition to dynamically modifying constants, we can also use the runkitconstantadd() and runkitconstantremove() functions to dynamically add or remove constants. ini file which located in the same folder as eclipsec.

This is typically because –launcher.ini option is missing which should point to the eclipse. Will launch Eclipse without splash screen ( -nosplash), uses the – application command to load the managed make builder (which is used to build projects), with -data I specify the workspace to be used, and with the -build command it will the project k64f. The options of this command line version (for Eclipse Kepler) are described here:įor example eclipsec.exe -nosplash -application .core.headlessbuild -data c:\my_wsp -build k64f Now build it There are two methods of accessing Cabal functionality: through your Setup.hs script or through cabal-install. Eclipsec program, a command line version of Eclipse