Communist manifesto endnote citation
Communist manifesto endnote citation

These principles were the cornerstones officially guiding public policy, and they inspired concrete results.

communist manifesto endnote citation

Everyone, even in nondemocratic countries, took-and had to take-them seriously. During the three decades following the Second World War, the principles set out in the Philadelphia Convention and then in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights did not sound like empty words. Let us indulge briefly in looking at the world in retrospect. Is it now somehow forbidden to imagine a world where natural resources and the natural environment would no longer be systematically sacrificed and plundered for the benefit of large or small private and public corporations a world where humanity could effectively curb global warming and halt, even reverse, the multiple instances of today’s accelerating ecological degradation? In such a world, one can imagine that whereas people would have different ideas, ideologies, and beliefs and argue among themselves about what makes life meaningful, they wouldn’t massacre each other or wage civil and religious wars or commit violent acts for the sake of naked power and control. In such a world, extreme wealth that feeds fantasies of alternative humanity, even a kind of superhumanity for the few, would not be tolerated any more than would poverty.

communist manifesto endnote citation

It should not be impossible to imagine a world where some poverty would undoubtedly still exist but no one would be totally destitute because a fair social network system would allow everyone to live decently from their own work.

Communist manifesto endnote citation